Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Emissivity of Fear

R — A – T — E
The emissivity of my MS — Chapter 04
Of all the projections my MS effectively focuses upon me, fear is by far the worst. Any pain I experience pales in comparison to the fear of what I will feel tomorrow, or constant worries that my current levels will never recede. Not-yet-experienced losses always seem to exceed today’s sadness. Absolutely every physical, mental, and emotional effect of my MS clouds me in fear.
I REFLECT the fear my MS emits through a thin mask of sarcasm and bravery (stubbornness, ignorance, foolishness...). I’ll share posts of my hospital visits in hopes of eliciting sympathy or reassurance that it’ll get better…don’t tell anyone, I will never admit this!
Through my stories, I’ll TRANSMIT the fear MS creates on “others” (translation: me) by using examples of how they could overwhelm me if I were a weaker man (they do/I am).
Most of my fear has been unsuccessfully ABSORBED for almost 20 years. Unsuccessfully, I say, because I recognize there is a trickling emissivity of fear that will kill me if I don’t get a hold of it. Isolation. Self-destructive behavior. Extremes of health, fitness, diet, alcohol...the slow leak of pent-up fear does nothing to lessen the nightmares churning within.
Writing helps, although I think it sends the wrong message when I project my fear through the characters I’ve created. I chose this blog to focus on me and the fear that grips every moment, the fear created by my MS. My fear has held me back and redirected my energy for too long. No longer embracing disenchantment because of my MS, I will focus on strength, growth, power, and health (all mentally and physically) undeterred by my MS. In my words, I will focus on reflecting my current fears and transmitting the fears of my community. I don’t want to absorb any more.
I recognize that it exists — I know what causes it — I know the detrimental effect it has on me — I know what I’m missing out on — I want to break my cycle — I want to fight — I want to win — I will never stop — I will never quit.
Disclaimer: multiple sclerosis differs vastly from patient to patient. No two instances are the same. Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment are just some of the factors that lead credence to the saying, “Once you've met one MS patient, you've met one MS patient.” My experiences described are unique to me. However, there is an underlying pattern in the fight every one of us faces.
Because it is a fight.
The fight is not over and it won’t be over until a cure is found.
It will never stop…nor will we
It will never quit…nor will we
This is why we ride!

100% of the royalties earned from my books go to the National MS Society, to support our fight:

Never Stop… Never Quit…®
Kevin Byrne
Portland, OR

Never Stop… Never Quit… Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.

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