Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Emissivity of Loss: Rejection

A reflection on shades of my former self…

R — A – T — E
The emissivity of my MS — Chapter 03
Call it what you want. Moving on – Pushing Aside – Retiring – Replacing – Unwilling – Unable – Unsafe. Any way you slice it, my MS has led to much more loss than just the sensation of my nerves and atrophy of my muscles. Promising careers as a leader in both the US Army and corporate America were swept aside when I could no longer do the job for which I was once wanted. Passions and adventurers have relegated to “back in the day” stories. Relationships and connections were dismissed as a result of my MS — the fear of my unknown, the resentment of what I no longer offered, the rejection of my own personal struggles. What I once loved, stood for, desired to be, or hoped to learn are now all just my accumulation of losses.
I write about and share some of my losses as a REFLECTION of the man I was before MS came into my life. All too often, those images are the first things many people see. Loss and rejection are often the connections I try to make between myself and the rest of my MS community, TRANSMITTING the primary, secondary, and unseen effects of sclerosis.
I ABSORB the sensation of rejection.
·         “Don’t cry over spilled milk.”
·         “You cannot change the past.”
·         “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” ~by the way, Reinhold Niebuhr, thanks for your nebulous cliché.
The burning difficulty has always been my refusal to accept that which I have “been told” I cannot change. Anguish and anxiety flourish when the person I was along my journey and trials, or the person I have become, offends someone because I am not the person they feel I ought to become/remain. Anger, resentment, and anxiety have been buried for almost 20 years, scabbing my heart until almost nothing could penetrate; if nothing could reach my heart, nothing would hurt. Or so I thought…
For more reasons than I’m sure you care to explore, some connections did still reach my inner core. Loving family. Caring friends. My own vision of possibilities. Love. Eleanor. For my Emissivity Project, I decided to rip off that scab and expose the hurt of loss and rejection I have absorbed for almost 20 years. I found there was no more hurt underneath. The only reminders I had were the scars I carried.
The emissivity of my loss and rejection has only seemed to expose a heart buried under almost 20 years of scars. I think I will work to keep it that way. As I experience further loss because of the effects of my MS, which I’m sure I will, I’ll reflect it in my blogs and my personal conversations (my therapist will surely have some busy moments). For any personal rejection, I’ll address and move on; I harbor no resentment for past grievances, nor can I apologize for what I went through. I’ll transmit the pain my entire community experiences as a reminder of why we must continue to fight.
I guess Niebuhr’s Serenity Prayer is not as cliché as I once thought.

Disclaimer: multiple sclerosis differs vastly from patient to patient. No two instances are the same. Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment are just some of the factors that lead credence to the saying, “Once you've met one MS patient, you've met one MS patient.” My experiences described are unique to me. However, there is an underlying pattern in the fight every one of us faces.
Because it is a fight.
The fight is not over and it won’t be over until a cure is found.
It will never stop…nor will we
It will never quit…nor will we
This is why we ride!

100% of the royalties earned from my books go to the National MS Society, to support our fight:

Never Stop… Never Quit…®
Kevin Byrne
Portland, OR

Never Stop… Never Quit… Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.

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