Friday, November 15, 2024

She Redefined My Reason to Fight


Only your child can upend the values and tenets you have embraced for years. Rogue accomplished this without a discussion. She never questioned my convictions, nor did she offer alternatives.

She stated a fact.

Never Stop… Never Quit…

In 1993, one observation seeded the passion in me to confront the merciless onslaught of my foe. It was six and a half years before I faced my first enemy—multiple sclerosis.

Another decade would go by before I wrote a blog for the Department of Veterans Affairs MS Center of Excellence. It was my second submission. Never Stop, Never Quit shared that fated story. Little did I know what would happen after 14 more years. My story became a mantra; my mantra became our charity. Everywhere I go, whatever I do, I see that calling. It’s written on plaques in my home, embroidered into T-shirts, and even tattooed on my arm.

With an indifference to the impact her words would have on my life’s endeavor, she ran a finger across the mantra and said, “It should say for them.” I asked why she thought change was appropriate, but she only shrugged. After thinking about her declaration, I asked who “for them” represented. With a simple, “I don’t know,” Rogue chastised me for even raising the question. I could see the conversation in her eyes.

It’s so obvious, why would I waste time trying to explain myself?

She was right. It was obvious the moment those words passed her lips; I just needed time to understand how her comment, and everything she didn’t need to say, rang true.

Why do I fight?

    To increase awareness of our needs.


    To raise money.


    To fund research and development of treatment options.


    To overcome, cure, reverse, or prevent the debilitating effects of multiple sclerosis.


    …for them.

Why else do I fight?

    To reach out and connect with others fighting against multiple sclerosis.


    To increase awareness of the options, research, and support available.


    …for them.

Fighting for no other reason than to fight, destroying something simply so it no longer exists, even donating just to donate are exercises in futility if no one will reap the benefits of our sacrifices.

It was, is, and will always be for them.

Rebranding may take some time.

Because it is a fight.

The fight is not over and it won’t be over until a cure is found.

It will never stop…nor will we

It will never quit…nor will we

This is why we fight for them!


Never Stop… Never Quit…®

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