Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Effort 3 – The Constant Noise of Moments

For 30 days, I will share the joys, pains, and dirty little secrets of my life with multiple sclerosis. My goal is to find a reason to convince you to support/share my fight against MS. Please donate today:

This is Effort Number 3…

Moments. It often feels as if our main drive is to categorize and track what happened in the past, and measuring stick of our lives value today or insight into what tomorrow may bring. For me, it is usually constant noise, the benefit of which greatly depends upon my ability to process the data.

Today is different. August 28, 2019, best fits the description of an instant classic in my constant noise of moments. I don’t know the priorities or order of precedence most appropriate, but I sure do know where to start.

Happy Birthday, Tommy! I hope your 50th birthday is as wonderful of a day as you truly deserve.

My brother remains a man I hope to become someday; someone I continue to admire, no matter how far apart we leave or how much time passes between visits. There are a lot of pictures I treasure, but my favorite one is this moment. September 14, 2003, is the day we were sitting around, resting after the New York City Bike MS ride, and decided we wanted to take a team picture. Team Amulet was born, named after our dad’s boat growing up. 16 years later, Team Amulet has raised over $725,000 in our fight against MS. It all started with that moment, and I am forever grateful…

August 28, 1969, has more significance than the moment I was fortunate enough to grow up with. August 28, 1969 holds a moment I crafted. In doing so, it became one that changed me in countless ways. August 28, 1969, was the date Dominic Bandall met Sharon Peers.

Moments has been so much more than a book I’ve written. So many of the stories told, the events which unfolded, are echoes of my own moments. Some are literal translations. I discovered something years ago about writing. In the past, I called it my Chaos, here it’s Constant Noise. Regardless of the words used to describe it, moments once seen as “chaotic, horrific, and truly burdensome” are no longer solely my anxiety once a character I’ve created shares my burden.

I’ve already talked about several specific moments in his blog series. 43 years and 79 days. The moments of September and October 1999, October 2003, and March 17, 2015. September 14, 2003. August 28, 1969. Many more dates will come – many more moments will unfold. But I need to cut this blog short today, in anticipation of the incredible moments preparing to present themselves on August 28, 2019.
-          The day we drove to Seattle to watch the Yankees play the Mariners in an afternoon game: Let’s Go Yankees!
-          The day my long-awaited windfall of donations came in.
-          That amazing moment when…

Before we fell asleep that night, Sharon thanked me for a stimulating day. She said, “I can’t wait to see what kind of amazement tomorrow brings.” She held my face and gave me a passionate kiss. I wanted the moment to never end. I dozed off with the realization that, fortunately, it never would.
-          Moments

The noise attributable to my MS constantly inspires me. The hope is my story will inspire your donation in this fight. As a side note, in addition to my thank you cards and books for donors, there will be an extra moment of gratitude for anyone who makes a donation to our fight on August 28, 2019.

Because it is a fight.
The fight is not over and it won’t be over until a cure is found.
It will never stop…nor will we
It will never quit…nor will we
This is why we ride!

100% of the royalties earned from my books go to the National MS Society, to support our fight:

Never Stop… Never Quit…®
Kevin Byrne
Portland, OR

Never Stop… Never Quit… Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.

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